tennis23 said...
Thanks... I live in South Everett, near the Silver Lake area... I am noticing that it feels that I need to empty my bladder completely even tiny amounts. It's usually if I have been sitting for a while. I think I could make it through the night w/o a pad, but for now, just 13 days out, I will continue to use them until completely ready. I am going back to work on Monday the 12th after my surgery on the 26th of August. I am still feeling a bit tired when I stand for a long time. For example at my sons tennis match today, had to sit down for a while. My first PSA test is at 6-8 weeks per Dr. Porter at Swedish's request. I am just glad my catheter is out and that my vagel response about did me in when they were removing it. I still find it hard to believe that my Gleason 9, 4 + 5 was confirmed on the pathology report. And that I was so lucky that my findings are confirming it did not escape the prostate. I guess my prostate was smaller thank normal or at normal size as opposed to a 3 times normal size that my buddy just had when his was recently removed. I am just glad that I am sleeping better!
After surviving an aorticdissection at the age of 40 and now the PC diagnosis at 53, I think I am good for a while and will just continue to count my blessings. Now... It's on to looking into my hip replacement surgery. I thinkI am going to wait at least 6 months until I seriously consider it.
Kind Regards,
Brian :)
Hi Brian,
I also had Dr. Porter do my RP. It was on July 11th this year. He did a great job, happy to have lucked out getting him. Pretty cool that even at G9 your cancer did not spread. Anyways just wanted to say hi to another Dr. Porter fan :)