Hi Paulmerc
Yes I had a 3T MRI of Prostate w/ Perfusion w and without contrast on 9/13
Apprecaite your view, I bet that might be happening to me... it's a weird sensation that I have "down there" that feels like pressure... and it sometimes extends to the back top of my legs... is it in my mind or is it real? ... (kinda like that old Memorex commercial? .. is it real? or is it Memorex) ... ok I digress :)
Here is my MRI Report said...
The prostate gland measures 3.9x2.9x4.2 cm for a volume of 31cc. Along the anterior gland near the apex there is a 16 mm focal area of low T2 signal which is somewhat lentiform in shape and it is not entirely clear whether this represents a primary focal tumor or stromal hyperplasia. Slightly heterogeneous signal is identifed throughout the remainder of the gland however no other definite focal tumor is seen. The prostatic capsule is intact and seminal vesicles are normal.
Lymph Nodes: No lymphadenopathy.
Bladder: Normal
GI Tract: Visualized aspects are grossly unremarkable.
I have 2 routes I've been debating:
Plan A - go forward with surgery with Tewari next week
Plan B - go forward with a MRI guided biopsy next week.
I took time off before I start my new job for Plan A... so there is the cadence/timing aspect of this whole thing, not sure i can take more time off until next year if I don't get this surgery done now, esp. if I decide to do it in NYC ...
Also, I don't think any result from the biopsy matters for FLA with a PSA over 10
.... in fact, Uchicago FLA team didn't even call me back after I emailed them and sent them my CD --- their FAQ for FLA states that a PSA < 10 is a prerequisite. Dr Walsner said he would "ablate the entire R-APEX for me if I wanted", but a lot of surgeons have told me that savage RP after FLA is harder than if I didn't have FLA because of the damage FLA does.
That said, I don't know if a biopsy would change my treatment course at this time.. and right now it looks like I'll keep walking towards plan A ...
Regarding RT including BT -- I had 4 chest CT's w/ contrast in 2013, which I believe is equal to 700 chest XRAYs (each) ... so I don't think I want any more radiation
... actually, maybe that is what caused my cancer i the first place...
Anyways, that said, it seems all roads end with Surgery for me... I got the stage set with Tewari next Monday and Tuesday, so maybe it's time to pull da trigger and stop changing my mind ... as some of you can already time I'm going totally insane & as some other members here have suggested regarding Surgery:
"GET ER DONE!" -- (in the voice of Larry the Cable guy) :)