I'm a new contributor. Reading posts helps me see when my symptoms are not unique. I'm 2 months into Lupron and Casodex. Feel well most of the time. Hot flashes, and strange feeling with occasional loss of balance. Love golf. Last score 51/41 makes my partners shake their heads as I have not disclosed my issue. Humbling for sure.
I have shoulder pain that keeps me awake at night getting worse. Stopped taking calcium and Vitimin D pills for a week, (too big to swallow even when divididing them) may be the problem. Back on them today.
Heading back to my northern home for Christmas and radiation for 10 weeks. Always waiting for the next shoe to drop but staying positive. Would like to know if sex is gone forever? Would like to know if radiation will cause me additional pain? Would like to know if radiation causes weight loss? Or Gain?
61 years old. Radical prostechtomy with robotics because Gleason showed 4+3 in 4 of 12 samples. After surgery biopsies showed 3 lymph nodes affected and Gleason 4+5, PSA 1.87. Appears regional at this time.
Gave your thread a title. -- PeterDisAbelard (moderator)Post Edited By Moderator (PeterDisAbelard.) : 12/19/2016 1:33:30 PM (GMT-7)