F8 said...
actually it was sarcasm. one thing I'll never go for is someone telling me how I should feel. especially when I've seen how that person behaves when he's in the barrel. easy to say "just suck it up" when your PSA is down and you're perched high in your seat of judgement.
I'm sorry you feel this way. (personally? fwiw....which ain't worth alot more than my fingers on these keys....I hardly ever read anything on this site that's judgmental. I read people trying....their best....in their own way(s).
this is off topic...but....That's one thing about
this site that I really enjoy (or not so much sometimes). It enables me to see how different people mean things and how other people interpret them. The miscommunication is easy to see here (for some-odd reason....and.....I believe I've stumbled upon the reason....which is why I can see it more clearly now than before....but that's neither here nor there).
it's a shame. It's like watching two people play chess. The spectator can see moves that, when engaged...the players cannot or may not be as free to see
To the OP.......I could write a book about
how this has changed my life. (but....has it really?? I mean....I was pretty much me before my diagnosis. And after? well...I'm still me). nothing can change that. I guess the question is...."how do I choose to be?"
this can't be addressed without the concept of faith. (that's always left out of these discussions...and why...I do not know). We all have it. As a matter of FACT....it's just about
all any of us has. The question is...."Faith in what?"
(and this IS NOT a religious question
.....to wit....I'm as depressed a guy as one is likely to meet. So...I can relate to depression. (I lost my career....a very lucrative....extremely respected.... extremely challenging...career.... borne of love (my first love...at 16 years old), and one I was born....destined.... to do.) because of depression. Faith. I have it (as we all do). In spades....but mine...is faith..in the negative (my definition of it). Maybe it's not all negative? (again, my definition). Maybe it just is? Why do I have to characterize it? the unknown is definitely fertile ground for characterization. Nah.....I'm not buyin' it. It's all bad...and will be....esp. the unknown....like my next PSA test. (however....sometimes....when I come here....and read.....I can see....
doesn't mean I have to like it ... I don't...but...it gives me options while not liking it
someone said...."It's alright to be wrong for the right reason" I read that here. lol