Teaser 2 for Tall Allen's "Thaw's Hammer." There's still time to get and read the book, and sign up for our June Book Club discussion!
If you would like to do so, see the main thread about
this (May-June) Book Club cycle:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=35&m=3839986"Jace's plan was to follow the vector backwards, trace the disease to its source. Most of the cases could be linked directly or indirectly to seals, and seals were the only land mammals in Antarctica. The problem with seals as a vector was—how were the seals getting infected? Seals only inhabited coastal areas, ice floes and islands in the ocean. They never ventured inland, and the only known source of the Blue Cancer was the thawing plateau more than twenty miles from the ocean. Birds were not infected—they had autopsied dozens of birds: tern, akua, albatross, penguin—they could not be the carriers. They had been hopeful about a possible insect vector, but had not found a fly, a mosquito, or even a mite within a thousand miles of Antarctica that had been able to infect a mammal with the disease. There had to be another source that they hadn't seen.""Thaw's Hammer," copyright 2010, p. 134.