Before surgery:
MRT: no evidence of tumor.
TRUS Biopsy:
3 out of 6 cores prostatic tissue showing Adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 7 (4+3) - middle and appex zone blocks N B and C. T2a grade group 3.
The tumor involves 10% of total specimen volume.
PSA 4.24
Biopsy of prostate after robotic radical prostatectomy:
Prostate 3x3x5 cm, 51 gr.
PSA=0.04 6 weeks after the surgery
Biopsy: Gleason 7 (4+3)
Apex right side: small multiple foci of tumor not reaching the linked surgical margin.
Apex left side: free of tumor.
Bladder left and right side: free of tumor.
Right lobe: multiple foci/areas of tumor, largest focus 1.2 cm in maximum dimension.
Left lobe: free of tumor.
Posterior capsule right side: the tumor focally infiltrates the capsule. There is no evidence of extraprostatic extension and the linked surgical margin is free of tumor.
Intraprostatic focal perineural invasion is identified.
Posterior capsule left side is free of tumor.
Additional findings: adenomatous hyperplasia.
1. What is a meaning of: "Intraprostatic focal perineural invasion is identified"?
2. What is adenomatous hyperplasia?
3. Why after surgery biopsy report does not include stage (T2a grade group 3 - before surgery)?
4. What are my chances of recovery?
Gave your thread a subject line. -- PeterDisAbelardPost Edited By Moderator (PeterDisAbelard.) : 10/20/2017 6:34:30 AM (GMT-6)