I have a couple of thoughts for an MRI...
(1) One would be to have an mpMRI done at Johns Hopkins.
Katarzyna Macura was a co-author of PIRADS 2.0, and if she sees anything worth biopsying, Epstein could read it. I think you said you have family in that direction.
(2) I recall you have friends in San Diego, and UCSD has been experimenting with a new kind of MRI called an RSI-MRI. You can read about
it here:
/pcnrv.blogspot.com/2016/08/will-restriction-spectrum-imaging-rsi.htmlUnlike a mpMRI, an RSI-MRI is unaffected by prostatitis, and is better at identifying Gleason grade and stage. UCSD routinely gives RSI-MRIs to their patients on active surveillance, but I don't know if they'd give it to outsiders because it is experimental. However, they work closely with UCLA, so Demanes may be able to get Daniel Margolis (a co-author on all the RSI studies) to talk them into it. If you want to try a direct route, contact
David Karow.
(3) Daniel Margolis at UCLA is a top choice for an mpMRI radiologist if you want to come to LA.