BillyBob@388 said...
Pohaku53 said...
Some use moderate sedation and some use propofol (aka milk of amnesia) for this. I always liked the moderate sedation (typically Versed and Fentanyl) and the opportunity to watch the show on the monitor. Nothing like a guided tour of your lower digestive track!
The prep is the worst part (and it is better than it used to be). The procedure itself is indelicate, but otherwise typically neither painful nor problematic.
Hey Pohaku53, are you "anesthesia" also, like me? Most folks don't know the "milk of amnesia" joke. Although, I suppose folks like me, as we are about
to push the white, milk looking drug, have been saying "here you go, enjoy some milk of amnesia" for enough years that maybe a lot of patients remember that joke. There was another one. During the last years before I retired, I was covering small rural hospitals part time, I would drive there then back home when the work was done. But at one of these hospitals, when I realized how sick(close to death) many of the patients were and how little help I had (no ICUs, etc) to keep folks alive, that is when I discovered a wonderful combo we called "white lightning": Propofol mixed with ketamine! What was great about
that combo: one drug had opposite SEs to the other, I.E. one depressed respiration, the other stimulated it. Same with BP. Anyway, point is: milk of amnesia and white lightning!
Good stuff for surgery/deep sedation!Nope. I'm a health care attorney, but I have represented anesthesiologists and their state professional society. My sister is an anesthesiologist as well. Wife is also a physician. Lots of health care and medicine in my family. Great stuff propofol. In the right hands.