Jamie1970 said...
Good post. I was going to ask this today as well.
I will "re-ask" the question about if there is anything to drink/take to help keep a healthy prostate. My PSA was 3.8 back in October which I got tested due to blood in the semen; two weeks of antibiotics and it went down to 2.7; my new URO is not up to speed on healthy supplements and such. Tomato juice? Vitamins?
Any information is helpful, thanks.
Use the search button on here. I am on a Mediterranean/ Michael Milkin Diet....no red meat, cruciferous vege's - Kale, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, tomatoes, mushrooms, whole grains, barley, corn, brown rice, flax seed, green tea, fruits - black berries, blue berries, tofu, pomegranate juice, fatty fish - Salmon, tuna, mackerel, halibut, no alcohol, no eggs.....again you can get a complete list by searching here or google search prostate cancer diet. I feel good and hopefully will see some good results PSA wise in the near future.
EXERCISE TOO...Always good to be in good shape to fight the cancer (it's a win/win).
Interestingread here.....https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jnme/2016/2917065/