SergeFL said...
Hello Weightloss,
Can you explain to me this note:
"One question to ask the doctor is how close the lesion is to the apex where there is no prostatic capsule"
I was under assumption that prostatic capsule cover entire gland and this is the main reason of high cure rate for cases when PC confined inside prostate capsule. I aslo read in one of the books about PC that patients with PC located in Apex have much higher chance of positive margins after surgery. This may be the explanation why. Need to find more info on this, because if this is the case then the surgery may not be a good option for me if it will require additional treatment like EBR after surgery.
It's not that there is no prostatic capsule at the apex, but the capsule is sparse and intermixes with muscular tissue etc, hence there was some research over apical lesions and recurrence. If they perform a targeted biopsy next, I assume they will sink several needles into the lesion. Pathology from that can tell how close it is to the real apex because if it is close there will be other tissue in the sample like skeletal muscle tissue. If so, and you have surgery, the surgeon may cut wide and more carefully.
Using your full MRI, it had all the dimensions of the lesion and it is actually not big in my view. Given the current information, you are still a candidate for surgery, unless the targeted biopsy comes out much different from the first.
With the current information, you are therefore still a potential candidate for AS (against the advice of your current doctor), Surgery, Radiation or Seeds. Your next targeted biopsy should make it clearer if there are any of those 4 or combinations of them which you
cannot choose.
Since you will likely have a wide choice of curative therapies, different people here will suggest different treatments often based on what they chose. You should discuss different doctors (surgeon, RO) after the next biopsy and make your decision.