I had pelvic radiation to 50.4 Gy, and they said they would then "cone down" to concentrate from there only on the prostate. That took the prostate to 79.2 Gy. To "cone" is to concentrate the radiation to a specific area by a collimator. The Varian Trilogy has a multi-leaf collimator, dynamically changing the beam shape to allow the accuracy needed for such high doses.
Here's a link defining this use of the term. I think it's what your therapy actually was doing.
cone downAlso, for alignment at the start of each of my treatment sessions they simply used two orthogonal x-rays to locate the implanted markers. The only CT I had was at the initial "simulation session" when designing the x-ray field. They fused that CT with the 3T MRI I also had to accurately define the treatment field. CT is not used in the x-ray therapy suite to my knowledge.
[Edit: a little more about
the x-rays at the setup of my treatments. Just reporting my experience.]