I have an enlarged prostate, BPH and prostatitis. My most recent PSA was 11.84. A year and half ago it was 30 and after antibiotics, it dropped to 5.6, the lowest it had been in many years.
I had the free psa done at the same time as recent PSA, but it says it's not valid for a psa over 10. My % free PSA was 35.39, which if valid would indicate a probability of cancer of 9%. Any thoughts on free PSA when PSA is over 10? My free PSA always comes back with low probability of cancer which is why I am not freaking out over the high PSA.
What should my next test be? PHI? I had the test done several years ago when my PSA was high and it came back with low probability of cancer. At that time, I also had an MRI which showed prostatitis and BPH, but not cancer.
My doctor mentioned 2 other tests:
- CA-Profile from american metabolic laboratories which is not specific to prostate cancer, but provides early detection for cancer in the body
- IvyGene Cancer Blood test from Ivy Gene Labs which measures the methylation status of cell-free DNA. Prostate cancer is not one of the 4 cancers listed, but I think that just means it would detect cancer but not be able to identify it as prostate cancer.
Any thoughts on these 2 tests or any others you would recommend? Also, it would be helpful to add whether you know if it is covered by Medicare or not.