I am doing intermittent ADT. So far zapping my mets kept the PSA value so low that I did not need to restart with ADT again. As a rule of thumb you can expect to keep your PSA value low enough for about
a year if you zap your lymph node mets. I personally prefer that instead of ADT. All the PETs and radiations were covered by my insurance.
Let me cite
the new Australian radiation recommendations:The rationale for SBRT and metastasis-directed therapy is based
on the presumption that the oligometastasis may be the only site
of disease, or may be a nidus to seed other metastases [109], and
thus local therapy targeting the metastasis may delay disease progression,
improve survival and, in some cases, potentially result in
cure. Resection or ablation of oligometastatic disease has become
the default standard of care in other malignancies such as
colorectal cancer and renal cell carcinoma based on cohort studies
[110–112]. However, level 1 evidence is lacking for extracranial
oligometastatic disease. Patients being considered for SBRT for oligometastatic
prostate cancer should be informed of the absence of
high-level evidence.