I have 2 adult children, both mid 30's. They are great well adjusted people, and we have a great relationship, very close. They are very nervous when it comes to my and my wife's health issues. (Wonder why
When i was first diagnosed, i waited until i had a plan in place and then i told them both what was going on. My daughter started to cry. But i was able to quickly calm her down, explaining how this was a one and done situation, caught very early, and i would be fine after the surgery. My sons reaction was "ok, but its prostate cancer, so its not life threatening, right, you just have the surgery and its over".
So here i am, about
to start treatment, in all likelihood, for BCR. And i am very conflicted as to whether to say anything. I don't want them to find out after the fact, or see a difference in how i am, once ADT starts then be forced to tell them, because then they may always feel i am hiding something.
On the other hand i don't want to cause them more anxiety, my wife and i have had a rough 3 years with health issues and it was tough on them. And i suspect, that my daughter might be trying to conceive, as she got married just 18 months ago. And added stress wont help her.
My wife would prefer i say nothing. But she is always over-protective.
So i am real conflicted. Curious what others did, what others thoughts are. This is a very personal decision, only i can make. But i thought some input from others who've been through it might help give me some more to think about