Ak123 said...
Thanks very much , cashless for your interest. To be honest, as you can imagine I am very disappointed at my results. My D level around 60. I have been taken. D3& K2 together now in one pill for over a couple of years. I am taking 180 mcg and 5000 IU D3. I am not sure why it stopped for a month and half then back up. I have not changed anything to the best of my knowledge. Even my b12 always on the very high end. the only thing I could think of is I gained about 7 pounds and ate once or twice some cookies in my birthday And thanksgiving under the pressure from people around me to enjoy a bit. Very frustrated. Now, I am planning on going on some pet scan for clinical trials at NIH to try to see if there are Mets before I start ADT. it’s a different ball game now unfortunately and sad and I think you brought up the consequences from not following the diet when you were discussing this with some guys here who do not believe in diets. I do believe in it but can’t make it work for me. Thanks again for your help always
ADT, I am sorry to hear this is progressing in such a manner for you, and seemingly no matter what you try to do to help treatment along.
Also, I agree with BlackJack in the sense that you should be doing every thing that your docs suggest. Of course, sometimes different docs can have different opinions, causing us to have to choose. Just like what we had to go through in our initial treatment choice.
But please don't be so certain that what you have tried to do has not helped. Like all of us, you are a single anecdote, a case study N=1, in an ocean of case studies. You had positive margins and EPE measurable PSA right off the bat. So, it is quite possible that you might have done much worse than you have done. Do you agree? I know it is disappointing that your efforts have not stopped your advance completely or even turned it in the opposite direction. But just as if you had done great all this time, it would be impossible to say it was your diet or supplements, and there would be folks here telling you that you are kidding yourself if you think that makes any difference, the same applies in reverse. Because you have not done as well as expected, I am here to tell you that you would be kidding yourself to say that nothing you had done has helped. We simply do not know, just as we wouldn't know for sure if you had done great.
But here is one thing we do know. Since your doubling time seems to be averaging something a bit above 6 months, we know it could be significantly faster. It could have been < 3 months. That happens, right? So can you really say nothing you have done has helped you?
I imagine you already do your best to keep your blood insulin and waistline down. You already do some intermittent fasting, right? And studies have shown that those two things together(insulin/waistline) increase risk as much as 8 fold. It seems likely that high blood levels of D are associated with better survival outcomes, and the studies(RCTs) of most cancers in women certainly show that. It's true that you are not a woman, but the odds seem reasonable that it would also help men with various cancers including PC, and at minimum do no harm. And you are already on top of that. I see no compelling reason to stop doing those things, but what do I know? What does anyone know, really?
Hang in there, Bro!