Dharmacolm said...
Island Time. Im also being educated by your psa stats after surgery!!! I notice they have went up past my latest reading and back down again. Did you have any other treatments? In any case its encouraging and congrats on your path.
I've had no other treatments. I did have a positive margin. The cancer at the margin is G6 (JH). I'm going with it being indolent. My personal trigger point for more treatment is 2 consecutive tests above .1
If I were you, I'd be asking my urologist....
"Have you ever seen a pathology like mine, with no positive margin and PSA, where the lingering PSA remained stable?"
"How could this PSA be in the prostate bed with no positive margin?"
And then of course....(in your case)…."I want to know that cancer isn't causing my pain. Whatever we have to do, that's what we have to do".
You may be in the same waiting game as a lot of us. But no one knows what he'll say until you get there. It may be that he'll test you again in 3 mos. When, or if, to treat is something that you, your uro and an RO would need to discuss.
That .03 cutoff is a recent development. There's some studies out that show some benefit to catching at that low a level. But, at least for me, the percentages gained by treating at .03 do not outweigh the negatives.
Edit: You might also have them send your post operative slides to John's Hopkins for a 2nd opinion on your pathology. It's possible that Epstien might find a small margin that your local pathologist missed. That's what I'd do anyway.