Thanks for comments, helps me focus.
Prato - I asked RO about
ADT with ART and I don't totally remember the answer. Seems he said something about
recent stats not showing a benefit to ADT with ART for high risk Gleason done in the 3-6 mos post-op period in my situation. Whereas, SRT is a different animal due to time delay and the stats were more clear there to the benefit. I think I will check with him next week just to clarify but what he said at the time made sense and that answer did not disappoint me
TJ - Agreed, I called the pathologist at Johns Hopkins who did my evaluation and asked that exact question since I was disappointed obviously. He said that regular pathologists do lots of tumor classifications thus they may average the score over a larger area which is how it is done for other cancers. JH does lots of prostate biopsies which Epstein oversees and they focus on the critical condition for diagnosis which was the higher score. He would not say that the other pathologist was wrong but just evaluated it differently. I can see where the difference between 4+3+5 vs 4+5+3 could be subject to interpretation if the 5/3 concentration varies across the tumor section or is close. I don't like it but this is not the first time results have changed so it must be more common than one would expect. I would be interested to see what would happen if Mayo or MSK sent their slides to JH for a second opinion. My guess is they would not always agree either.
Peter - That sounds consistent with what I have read also. Sometimes what seems obvious is not when it comes to this stuff after more studies are done. My RO is pretty up on things and came from Mayo so I have no reason to doubt his current knowledge. I will double check though. Yeah, the upgrade crushed me for a couple of days after I got the call. I bounce back quicker now than last Aug/Sept.
InTheShop - Those flying monkeys have visited my butt a few times during this ordeal.
Capt - I am going to double check the ADT part as suggested.
Sky - Hi again, your thinking is where I was at and what I expected but if recent studies are not bearing that out for my condition, it would be overkill for no good reason. I asked and he was pretty clear about
it, I just don't remember the full explanation clearly now.
Thanks again everyone.