Joe Kelly said...
...Trying to decide on a course of treatment with these parameters. Meeting with a Radiologist Oncologist to get another opinion soon. Any comments if this was you? Thanks for your input.
Hello Joe,
Well, if I were you, I would be really happy with those results compared to all the "less good" results you could have obtained. Seriously, the initial diagnosis crushes your spirit which takes a while to sort out mentally but you will find out you have a lot of "good" options for possibly a modest case of PCa based on the limited data you presented.
I agree with the second opinion from Johns Hopkins - Dr. Epstein being the first item of business: ( Have your urologist have whoever did the pathology send the slides and follow the instructions in the link. With such small percentages you listed, it is probably going to be a pretty subjective determination so you want to get that hammered down before considering any options.
Depending on the biopsy 2nd opinion, a high powered MRI should probably be done to see if anything can be observed. A standard 12 core biopsy can miss things as well as find things that are out of whack with the larger prostate condition. The MRI can be used to guide a second biopsy at some point if necessary.
Visiting the RO is probably a good idea but you may be getting ahead of yourself since there are other items you should probably address first as noted above. In fact, you may get better 2nd opinion information from another urologist or place noted for prostate cancer treatment like Hopkins, Mayo, etc. When and if treatment is required, you will want to visit RO's that offer all the treatments noted above which may be multiple RO's depending what is available locally for you.
If it helps any, my Dad is 91 and started watching his PSA go up around the same age as you, 74-75. 15 years ago, he had the low dose brachy seeding and had Lupron shots a couple of years ago since his PSA finally started to creep up again.
Good luck with your journey.