Mumbo said...
1. What is the first side effect that you noticed and how many days/weeks into the 7 week process did it occur? Tiredness, urinary, bowel?
Three side effects, none that bad. about
four weeks in: hemorrhoids (treated successfully by my RO w/ cortisone suppositories) and odd, gooey bowel movements with some slight tendency to spatter while passing wind. Six weeks in, minor fatigue. The fatigue didn't present much difficulty with most activities. As long as I was busy and engaged I was fine but if I stopped for a quiet moment I would fall asleep. The main effect of this was that my wife had to tell me how TV shows ended because, sitting in my comfy chair in a darkened room I would reliably fall asleep before the end of a one-hour whodunit. The fatigue was mostly gone six weeks after treatments ended.
These seem to be the most common problems men report. None are generally insuperable. For the untrustworthy farting problem I can offer some terminology so you can sound erudite while you complain.
Battle at Thunderblow : the great crepitation contest of 1946Mumbo said...
2. If applicable, at what point during the treatments did you feel like you could not plan ahead for things like meeting up with people, appointments, going out for dinner not knowing how you would feel?
I worked throughtout, no problems. The two instances where I needed to plan ahead were: 1) locating places to stop and pee along my route back home after treatment in case there were traffic delays, and 2) observing the buddy system for watching TV so there would be someone awake at the end of the show to tell me who was discovered to be the perpetrator and how (s)he was caught.
Mumbo said...
3. When did you feel you were over the worst of whatever SE's you had and were on the upswing?
I was pretty much back to normal six weeks after treatments ended. The slight fatigue was the most lingering effect.
Mumbo said...
ps: I am fully continent and recovered very soon after the catheter was out if that helps at all.
It helps quite a bit, actually. The main drawback to ART is that it interferes with recovery of continence after surgery. You should do fine.