JayMot, well, that sort of sucks, its a pretty clear trend. I finished SRT + ADT in November, so the jury is still out for me, but as you can see from my sig, my pathology was not the same as yours. But i'm pretty sure you will get some success stories shortly. Obviously, your positive margins give you a better chance of success. Beyond that i am not knowledgeable enough to comment, except to say, that recent studies show the earlier you hit it, the better, in this type of setting..here's the study that one of the RO's i consulted with, referred to, when my PSA was .06....
https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaoncology/fullarticle/2670381 In that study, Adjuvant Radiation Therapy was defined as RT with PSA below .1, and Early Salvage defined as PSA between .1 and .5. They found better results in men with adverse pathology when choosing ART/Treating at PSA .1 or less.
Good luck, please keep us posted