David -
Believe it or not, I was actually thinking about
you the other day, wondering how you were doing, especially since we hadn't heard from you for a while.
It's concerning that life keeps throwing all these challenges at you, but, like a determined fighter, you just keep answering the bell. You've been doing that for years. There's no quit in you!
That reminds me of the boxing scene in the film "Cool Hand Luke," where Luke is getting badly beaten in a boxing fight with a much stronger fellow prisoner, but
he just won't stay down! He just keeps coming back again and again, refusing to quit!
https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=cool+hand+luke+boxing+scene+youtube&view=detail&mid=3a59683fd8d84d8fcb063a59683fd8d84d8fcb06&form=vireIn a very real way, even though he's battered, Luke
wins that fight, because he won't "stay down," just as you have genuinely been winning yours for years, because you won't "stay down" either!
Yes, your body's opponents are getting some punches in, but, like Luke, you just keep fighting and won't quit!
That's very courageous, David!