Skypilot56 said...
Holiday, my urologists at the Mayo told me the same thing that Jasper is saying don't start and stop your urine flow as your doing, because you will not be emptying out your bladder like you should. Even now I usually stand at the urinal and wait for the last few drops this avoids getting wet later. Again you have to remember you had major surgery so it's gonna take time to recover, if your having your psa checked at 6 weeks don't be surprised if you still have some residual psa left usually around three months is a good time to check.
p.s. Could you put your pathology report in a signature at the bottom that could help the guys offer their suggestions also. Wow never heard of anybody going home the same day they had surgery. Did you have a JP drain? Thanx
I'll have to dig out the pathology report....didn't get one post op, only after the biopsy. No drain was put in during op. Doc told me if he did one incision there'd be no drain...if two or three there would be one. Well, there was one small incision on lower right and a second one right below my navel where I guess they yanked the prostate out but no drain. He discharged me that evening, felt like I was still half drunk when I got home.