There are lots of articles on the web that maintain that Daylight Savings Time has proved to be a failure in providing any sort of economic advantage, by adding or dropping that hour from people's work schedules.
But I had also heard over the years, but never really pursued investigating it, that DST actually
costs lives when it compels that biannual time change.
The article below claims this is so:
"... losing just an hour of sleep stresses the cardiovascular system, which can tip some folks with heart issues over the edge. That's why the number of heart attacks tick up significantly the day after we set the clocks ahead."and
"... the number of traffic accidents shoot up the day after daylight saving time begins in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Deadly industrial accidents also rise sharply. Experts are convinced that lost hour of sleep is far more consequential than most of us imagine."and
"... people were less thoughtful about moral issues after losing that hour of sleep. Other researchers have shown that judges hand down sentences that are five percent longer following the start of daylight saving time."The article ends by suggesting that if we have to have DST (do we really have to have it?) a better way to do it would be to ease into it by waking up a bit earlier each day for some time before the actual start date, and thus be used to it ahead of time.
My personal take on DST? A really BAAAAD idea!