Downstate folks are driving up to their cabins up North and hitting the local grocery stores just like they have been down here near Detroit. The are wiping out things like toilet paper, eggs, dairy and other essentials that the stores up there keep a limited amount in stock due to the low local population. They then come back downstate with their hoard leaving nothing for the folks who live up there full time.
The wife and I know some of these folks, they have bragged up their hoarded stashes to us. They think they are clever.
While the governors shutdown is difficult, it sure beats the crap outta being dead or on a ventilator. Its too early to plant flowers or paint your house anyways - heck, we are gonna be shoveling snow today with a forecast high of 37* F. I figure most of those up North cabins are owned by wealthy(ish) folks from downstate, the number of outstate folks who own them is pretty small so that isn't really a big issue compared to them.
Also, going from a place with lots of infected people to places with little/no cases in clear violation of the gov's orders doesn't seem very smart to me. But then, I already have stage 4 cancer, don't really need any further entertainment in the health challenge area.
Oh yeah - I would sure like to meet my new MO and RO and get my records sent over as well. All of that is on hold for now, not making me happy. I will wait though...while I try to hold my temper some more.