ASAdvocate said...
Are you enrolled in an institutional
AS program, working with a local urologist, or doing your own program?
I am working with my urologist. Office visits every six months with PSA testing (was every three during the first year following diagnosis), periodic MRIs (next one scheduled for 2022 unless a significant uptick in PSA occurs). During my appointment with him last month, we talked again about
my diet and he shared with me that he also has another patient that chose my path (whole plant food based diet) and that he was experiencing similarly positive results - steady to declining PSAs, much improved bloodwork results, etc.
When I read about
Dr. Satilaro's experience (before he reverted to his former eating patterns), and Chris Wark's experience, it really made me consider the possibility that partial or complete remission, or at a bare minimum, successful management (i.e., no further progression) is possible via the right dietary choices. I am extremely fortunate that I had a caring and thorough Gastroenterologist who noted my small nodule during a routine colonoscopy and advised me to have it checked out, I did and the early detection has given me an opportunity to attempt to manage and maybe defeat this thing without requiring radiation, drugs or surgery. And as I posted a couple of years ago, I was truly blessed to find this forum and its helpful members. The information I learned was instrumental in my getting a second opinion on my biopsy results and determining my course of action. As many have already noted, none of us wish to be participating here.