Mumbo said...
Tex - Have you had any of the prostate investigations done yet, ultrasound, CT, MRI, biopsy, etc? What schedule do you monitor your PSA and have digital exams, annually?
If you want to really find out what is going on, something more than talking about it will have to be done. It would seem that the variety of scans and procedures available would allow the urologist to offer some choices that you could consider. Your regular doctor is really not the best person to advise you on constant bleeding at this point IMHO.
I don't want to worry you needlessly but PSA is not always a reliable indicator of various cancers that one can get so getting to the bottom of bleeding source would seem to be advisable.
I have seen 2 urologists. #1. Did A PSA.
Through the years I’ve always had low PSA #s. 0.4 in the past to 0.8 now.
Years past when they did the finger test Ive been told by my family Drs that I had no enlargement 10-15 years ago to a slight enlargement 2-3 years ago by another family type doc. .
FYI- I’ve taken a daily saw palmetto for at least 25 years.
Now I have gone to 2 Urologists since the bleeding started
All #1 Urologist did was do blood work.
When he saw my low PSA he kind of brushed me off. No physical exam or Cat scans nothing. Months went by more bleeding so I got a second Urologist. Again no tests of any kind but he wanted to put me on Antibiotics. I got the Covid and had to take a 24 days of a Mycin antibiotic so he didn’t prescribe another antibiotic thinking the one i was taking should have done it - still no change though. He did mention doing a biopsy.
This is where I balked- “I would like to have non - evasive tests run before we start disturbing tissue”. I lost both my parents to cancer and when they operated both their cancers went into high gear.
Neither Urologist have even felt up in there to see if I have an enlarged prostate yet BUT #1 Urologist did prescribe me Finasteride 5mgs last time I saw him. I have not started it as I am about
to give blood so they can use my Covid antibodies for Covid patients.
I do have a question about
the Finasteride...Why would a Dr start you on Finasteride when he hasn’t even checked you physically to see if you have a swollen prostate? I know they are busy but seems like they are not thorough. And they have done none of the tests you suggested above and don’t seem interested in doing any except for Urologist #2 suggesting he might do a biopsy (again i’d prefer non-invasive tests prior to a biopsy).
We are at a stalemate... I think I need to do a telemed call appt with my Urologist #1 and ask him about
doing the tests you suggested. That’s the route I would prefer.
Is that reasonable?
Thank you for your time.