Cyclone, thanks for the thoughtful ideas.
In fact, i had high ferritin at one time, ironically, around the time that i also had anemia, which seemed to make no sense to me. They sent me for all kinds of tests FOR THE ANEMIA, including colonoscopy, and found no cause. The ferritin, ultimately resolved itself and the hematologist concluded it was something environmental and nothing to be concerned about
I did ask the PCP when he mailed the lab order to me, to include Testosterone, even though i am getting that checked at MSKCC in two weeks at the same time as my dreaded 6 month PSA.
If the ferritin is not on the lab order, i will definitely ask for it.
Cyclone-ISU said...
Hello, Pratoman ~
Good ideas shared, already!
You might still be "kicking" the last remnants of that pesky cold ---
I just had my monthly consultation with my doctor, and asked him to review all my labs, to make sure everything was on track.
You might ask to have your testosterone checked --- but also get your ferritin checked, to ensure proper iron levels. If it's low, you can take iron supplements or increase iron intake in your diet.
There are times when my doctor tells me to bolster my iron intake. Steaks, roast beef, burgers, and even Grape Nuts cereal -- all packed with iron.
Because of medications I take, I am always borderline anemic, but seem to have no issues. Check on the possibility of anemia ...
Thyroid level was another good suggestion ...
They can easily run a depression screening --- in fact, my clinic now does a brief screening for all oncology patients at each appointment.
One more idea --- sleep apnea? If so, a sleep study might be indicated.
Good idea to have a brotherly chat with you doctor, and your doctor can put in some lab work orders --- for some of these possibilities.
Keep in touch --- just a few extra thoughts to share ~~~
CYCLONE ~ # Iowa State University