john said...
Is a MO a medical oncologist DR. that specializes in PCa? If so I'll have to look for one.
Not as simple as it should be. Oncologist is the generic term for doctors who deal with cancer. There are sub specialties within oncology such as Radiation Oncologist (RO), Surgical Oncologist, Pediatric Oncologist, etc that limit their practice to the specialties within the title. There is no Prostate Oncologist title that I have ever seen used.
The term Medical Oncologist refers to doctors who treat cancer with various chemical, hormonal, etc, therapies. Essentially, they are the oncologists who do not practice the specialties thus Oncologist and Medical Oncologist are used interchangeably for the most part.
There is no way to know from common titles whether any doctor specializes in prostate or breast cancer. You have to read their bios or any other information you can find to see if they specialize or limit practice to a certain area like prostate treatment. As an example, Eugene Kwon MD at Mayo is a very well known doctor for advanced prostate cancer treatment but is a urologist with a diverse background who specializes. My wife's oncologist specializes in breast cancer at the university and that is about
all she does in addition to teaching and research.
If you indicate what state you live in, some folks here will probably have experience with local MO's that you can seek out. Easy to find some experts scattered around the county but it helps if they are little closer to home for most people.