This information from all contributors is so appreciated. I definitely see how the wisdom of getting a second opinion/read on both the biopsy and MRI applies here. The radiation oncologist with whom I have an appointment tomorrow (Wednesday) is actually outside the Kaiser system in an adjacent cancer center (Good Samaritan in Lafayette, CO) though he works closely with Kaiser Urology. My plan now is to see what he has to say about
the differential assessments of the MRI/biopsy and then move forward with seeking second opinions on both test results if indicated. I certainly don't mind paying $300 out-of-pocket for Dr. Epstein's review if this isn't covered by my current plan. (My annual rib-eye and Jack Daniels budget al
location is freed up since I have given up red meat and booze, at least until the smoke clears
Again, I am much obliged to all who have taken the time to share their experience and advice.