Just (7/19/21)completed four weeks/20 fractions of IMRT and am 2 months into ADT hormone therapy and frequency, weakness of stream and painful urination have intensified over the past two weeks. Tamulosin and finasteride have not been helpful, Azo didn't work. Saw palmetto, nope. Oxycodone alone and with ibuprofen helped a bit but surprisingly little. Wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience? Did you find relief? Some approaches to my symptoms seem to presuppose 'benign' hyperplasia, which, given the fact I have prostate cancer, is not my situation. I'm also wondering to what degree my symptoms are more a lingering side effect of the radiation vs. normative BPH. All existed to some degree prior to the IMRT though back then the pain was minor and transitory. TURP is not as advisable after radiation as before and I'm wondering which of the alternatives (Rezum, HoTep, Urolift, PAE etc.), if any, might be viable going forward. I'm wearing out the piece of leather I chew on to negotiate the pain.
Thanks in advance for any feedback. PlatoK