I just had my yearly PSA, I was at .22 ng/ml last year 4/2023 which is my nadir. Was at .36ng/ml 7/2022 9 months before.
Had the blood draw this morning and results climbed to .364 ng/ml for 3/2024. So increase
My RO went out of the picture after I got below 1.0 at the end of 2020 and told me to monitor the PSA thru my GP, which I have done. I dont know wether to be concerned and other than talk to my GP and perhaps retest in the fall at 6 month out, not sure what else to do other than look to see if there will be a trend upward or not.
I knew that at some point the readings would fluctuate, was just hoping it would of continued down. I really dont have a feel for what others see who have had similiar treatements. Note I did not have ADT, just the HDR and IMRT.
have other folks on here who have had some form of radiation had fluctuations or once it stops going down, it will just t rend up??
Not sure if my bio will show in the post but results/history: HDR Boost, 2 9.5Gy fractions 12/17, 25 fractions 1.8GY for 45GY IMRT finished 2/18. Gleason 3+4 with 10% 4, PSA 8.1 pre treatment, T2A, Post Treatment: 6.9 +3 months, 2.7 +9 months, 1.24 + 1 yr 9mo 11/21, 0.95 + 2yr 9Mo 11/20, 0.55 +3yr 10mo 12/21, 0.36 +4yr 6mo 7/2022, 0.22 +5yr 1mo 4/2023 Nadir, 0.364 +6yr 3/2024