Fuelguy51 said...
Two thoughts:
During the first three of weeks after my RP surgery I was getting brown flecks of blood in my urine. My surgeon said this was “scab material” from the incision/suture site where the urethra is healing. Probably not your current situation.
A couple years later my BIL was 6 weeks into his recovery from RP surgery. I get a panic call from him, he’d just done some “light yard work” for the first time since his surgery. After his yard work he was passing some red blood and what he described as pieces of plastic material. It was also July 4th weekend so he was very concerned. I gave the similar advice as Mumbo gave you, “ As long as the blood clots are limited in nature and not causing any urinary difficulties….keep flushed out…”. The BIL only had some light red urine afterwords. There was already a scheduled appointment with his surgeon the day following the holiday where it was confirmed the plastic material was partially dissolved suture material, end of story.
Sounds very similar to what you’re experiencing now. Follow Mumbo advice “ Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids to keep the bladder flushed out ….” and you should be fine. But do confirm with your doctor when you get the opportunity.
The "clots" I passed (about
3 of them, not all at once) did kind of look like suture. Very thin and thread-like, and only about
1/8 to 1/4 inch long at the most.