halbert said...
You didn't share where you live--but there are specialists in this sort of thing in some places, maybe it's time to look for them.
By 10 months, there should have been some improvement. You didn't say--you did mention good cancer control, how is he doing on continence? It's not unusual for ED and (in)continence to kind of go together.
Another option to consider is an implant--I know it's another surgery, but there are a quite a few post-PC men who have had good results with the implant.
He's doing well with urinary continence... he was fully continent/pad-free about
3 weeks after the catheter was pulled. Unfortunately, our insurance doesn't cover any ED care. It's pretty obnoxious that if a different type of surgery for cancer treatment caused nerve damage and a functional loss/healing time, our insurance plan would cover for the rehabilitation/treatment of the functional loss. However, ED treatment doesn't fall under the plan. We're in Illinois.
His urologist/surgeon said a pump wouldn't be considered until 2 years post-op ... but I can't imagine being able to pay out of pocket for that surgery/hospitalization/etc.. If there are any complications/additional hospitalization, etc.. nothing would be covered.