TJ123 said...
Just read an interesting Reuters article. When vaccine recipients has dropped sharply since 2021 when the shot first became available. At that time it was reported that 240 million Americans (about 73% of the population) took one or more shots. By the fall of 2022 only 50 million Americans continued getting the shot. Growing skepticism?
I think partly lack of trust, but partly complacency, especially when Omicron was creating mostly mild cases. The problem is most people don't know what they don't know. The potential for long term problems is very real and has affected millions. Some in a devastating way. The virus gets into your cells, especially epithelial cells which make up the lining of the arteries, which is why it affects the heart very often. Originally it was thought to be a respiratory disease, but now it's known that it gets into the cells of many parts of the body, heart, arteries, brain.
I had a positive nuclear stress test on Thursday, showing a blockage, so I am having an angiogram tomorrow. I had started loosening up, wearing my mask less, eating indoors regularly. No more. If they stent me, last thing I need is a blood clot which is another thing that COVID is known to cause.
Be careful brothers