from the EMBARK Trial published yesterday. 3 arms to the trial:
-- Combination, Lupron + Enzalutamide;
-- Lupron + placebo
-- Enzalutamide Monotherapy
The combination therapy was significantly superior to the other arms. The Enzalutamide Monotherapy was significantly superior to Lupron + placebo arm.
I wish the Enzalutamide Monotherapy arm had been nearly as effective as the combination therapy, maybe allowing patients to drop the Lupron. The other thing I didn't like is "intermittent" component for all arms. After 37 weeks the drug(s) were withdrawn when a patient's PSA became undetectable and then continued after the return of PSA.
In any case, the study confirms that Enzalutamide (Xtandi) is a great option for nmCSPCa after primary treatment failure. For those interested check out the Abstract or sift through the entire paper for some light reading. đŸ™‚
Crap, I guess it will only show the abstract, but it gives you the option of easily signing up for 2 free full length articles per month.