turpT1a said...
I used Dr Epstein for a second opinion on my PCa biopsy more than 11 years ago. He lowered the Gleason score from 7 to 6 in my case. At the time I specifically asked that Dr. Epstein review the case himself. A few days later I called his office to find out if the biopsy specimens arrived. The secretary asked me if I wanted to speak with Dr. Epstein directly. I did and in the conversation it was clear that he was very informed about the case and told me some details that did not show up in the second opinion report. In addition he did not hesitate to recommend that I "just watch it". This was one of the main reasons I have used Active Surveillance since my diagnosis in 2012.
My experience was similar. After hearing that Dr E was reachable, especially if calling early in the morning, I tried and did reach him. I have to say he was very giving of his time and also was familiar with my case. He ultimately lowered my score from an unusual G8(5+3) to G6, And both in the report and in our conversation, it was stated that the premise the original pathologist used in scoring me, was an incorrect premise.
So I am probably biased in that he's a guy who helped me in a major way, and even affected my treatment decision.
As I think I said earlier in this thread, is he guilty as charged? Maybe, I don't think any of us know. Mel is right to say that the fact that he was suspended in May at JH, carries some weight. With that said, who knows, it could be that some of his subordinate pathologists had very thin skin, started talking to each other, and decided that there is strength in numbers. Just hypothesizing, I don't think, or at least haven't seen, any statement from JH finalizing findings of investigation.