Hi Kat,
I'm so glad to hear that things aren't as bad as in your imagination...Mine is completely out of control right now and will be til the surgery is over with.
What did you do with yourself while he was in surgery and before you could see him again. That's one thing I'm worrying about. How long was it before you got to see him again?
Yes I've got to buy some "whitie tighties" for C since he's used to wearing boxers and I told him pads won't stay in place with those. We women know know all about that!!
I'm glad to hear that Jeff is doing so good with continence so soon. I'm going to ask for extra bags...I have that on my list in case one leaks, but that's a good idea to use the big one at home and only use the small one when going to the doctors.
I believe your right about knowing to many details sometimes, but that's my nature and I just have to know what's going to happen and what will happen.
Yes we want to get this surgery over as soon as possible. I went to my doctors today and got some anxiety meds to see me thru all this since I had a trauma with a doctor years ago and can't stand invasive procedures on me or Curtis!!
Thanks for getting back to me!!