We have Kaiser Health Plan. I went through their whole process of asking for them to pay for the Da Vinci prostatectomy at the City of Hope. I was denied at both of Kaiser's review levels. I took it to the IMR (state level) request to have the Da Vinci Surgery and was denied by a Urologist who just did the open procedure. He said that my husband did need surgery but could have the open or regular laproscopic surgery and that the Da Vinci was NOT necessary. Since then we have talked to a number of men who have had the open or laproscopic surgeries, the recovery results are not a good as the Da Vinci surgery. Even if it cost us a lot of money .....it was well worth it. A year later and all of his test results are still what they call untraceable. It is very hard to get HMO's to pay for this surgery, unless you hire a lawyer.