While googling for online cancer forums I found this one.
Story in nutshell
* June 2006. Routine physical as 51 year old man. PSA in year increased from 3.7 to 4.6. DRE: prostate enlarged
* July 2006. Urologist recommended biopsy
* August 2006. Second opinion (bad feelings from first urologist) biopsy recommended.
* September 2006. Biopsy came back positive in one sample (had to be sent to JH to confirm). Preliminary diagnosis: Gleason 6, cancer likely confined to prostate. Although cancer is cancer, my research indicated that likelyhood of cure was very high if caught early, which this appeared to have been. Decided on the standard surgery, since it did in my mind seem to be marginally more effective.
* November 2006. Had surgery. Results showed positive at margins. Gleason upgraded to 7 (3+4).
* December 2006. First PSA post surgery. Results 0.1. Disheartening to learn it was not 0.0.
It can be disheartening going from "high probability of cure" to "very real possibility this could kill me". I am trying to get a handle on this. One disheartening web site I visited indicated that at my stage, any further treatment I receive is only to extend my life, not curative.
Still, this could be overly pessimistic.
I have come to the realization the only things I can control here are (1) taking care of myself (diet, exercise), (2) attitute, (3) treatment choices.
There does seem to be strong anecdotal evidence that proper diet and exercise can at a minimum delay this disease. Since this is an area I can control, this is my current focus. I have lost 10-15 founds with 30 more pounds left to lose, until I am at my desired weight. Meanwhile I am trying wade through all of the information concerning diet and to separate the wheat from the chaff here.
I drink a glass of pomegranate juice daily, and have switched the focus of my diet towards fruit and vegetables. I still like my ice cream, but have limited it to once a week.
I also either walk or use the treadmill 30 minutes to an hour daily.
Incontinence at this stage is more a nuisance (minor leakage). Sex is another story, as my wife has shut down on me for over five years anyway. Whatever. This does make me feel uncomfortable when my urologist recommends a vacuum pump for me.
Am I being too pessimistic as to what my outlook is at this stage.
Post Edited (mozart250) : 1/26/2007 5:21:54 PM (GMT-7)