Tanya and Ken,
I just included my stats in my signature profile. Hopefully, it will attach.
Incontinence: My catheter was removed 8 days post surgical. I never leaked at night in bed but leaked a lot during the day for 30 days. Leakage diminished and I stopped wearing pads at 90 days. I still had some stress incontinence and wore light pads occasionally for another 30 days. I did begin to see a physical therapist at 90 days who I believed helped me to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles and improve my general continence. I saw her for eight sessions.
ED: Ruyle/Montoya were aggressive with my ED therapy. I immediately started 25mg Viagra daily after catheter removal. I also injected myself twice a week with Trimix. Now at a little over 6 months, I still have a lot of recovering to do, but can get an erection using Viagra that is enough for penetration. This has been the case since about 6 weeks post surgical when my wife and I first had sex. Both of my nerves were spared. The docs are confident that ED will continue to improve. At my 6 month visit, Montoya told me that statistics are revealing that robotic patients could see improvement through 1 1/2 to 2 years post surgery; the nerves contiue to heal and regenerate. So, I am hopeful for further recovery.
Surgery: The surgery lasted I believe 3 hours(not sure)and I went home the next day, no complications. Surgery was at Pres/St. Lukes. I didn't have a great hospital experience; inattentive and not very compassionate nurses. Stay with Ken as much as you can if you can. My wife left in the evening assuming I would be well taken care of and I wasn't, my experience. There was one complication at my 30 day visit. The incision above my belly button opened up when the sutures were removed. It was partially healed but left a gapping hole that required frequent attention until it granulated in and healed, an inconvenience but not a big deal in the scheme of what I went through.
Anything else, just ask, I'll be glad to share.
This is a wonderful forum. I continue to learn from others experiences. Thank you.