I'm happy for you two that you found this group. I've been reading a lot here for 8 days.
It makes a big difference. I'm no expert. I have read about and tried these:
1) Some of us have found that either "full brief" pads or "Men's" liner pads placed inside of a pair of briefs (I wear two pair of briefs...) works well. When I'm working, I add a women's "super" absorbent pad at 90 degrees to/inside the men's pad. It is easier to replace, needs replacing less often, and I usually use two women's pads before the men's liner pad gets wet.
2) Sorry about the discomfort in the scrotum. Those blue "donut" cushions from the Drug Store - partially inflated - give the most options for sitting still, riding in a car, or reclining - until the discomfort and swelling go away. It's hard to say how long the swelling will last.
My experience was 2 or 3 weeks for swelling to go down and another week or two before the scrotum didn't bother me.
I'm glad you are otherwise in good spirits. It speeds healing.
Cedar Chopper
McTexas said...
My husband had RPP one week ago today. He's doing very well except for the inconvenience of leaking and horrible swelling in his scrotum. I have 2 questions for you experts out there:
1) what kind of pads did you use to absorb leaking? right now, I'm using cloth diapers that I hadn't thrown out after the birth of our child -- didn't know I'd be doing more laundry from leaking than from a baby!!!
2) the doctor has said that the swelling of his scrotum is normal, but with it now the size of a large grapefruit, it is downright uncomfortable and is the only thing causing him pain. If you had this problem, how long did it last and what did you do to ease the discomfort?
I appreciate all your advice!
McTexas, a wife who wants to make life as good as possible for her lover-husband!