"Satuaration Biopsy" is sometimes used in cases where there's an elevated PSA, PC is highly suspected, and previous biopsies have been negative.
Not everyone condones the concept: one or two tiny cancers discovered by satuaration biopsy or repeated biopsies raises the debate about significant or insignificant cancers and watchful waiting which Dr Walsh and Dr Epstein have done considerable research on.
One of the Johns Hopkins articles is available in a newsletter item in the winter 2003 edition on "insignificant cancers" at www.urology.jhu.edu/newsletter
www.prostate-cancer.org has an item on active surveillance in their Nov 06 newsletter.
Not everyone copes with the approach of active surveillance, which depends on the individual situation, however there are often advantages, even if it is used short term while carefully considering treatment options, and choice of doctor, which should be the prime consideration.