Hi Maria, at first, it is a shock to the system to be told that you have prostate cancer, before we went for the diagnosis, I discussed all the options with my wife, and came to the conclusion that if I indeed had Pca, I would request an RP as soon as the surgeon could do it, which was the case, and I am now 8 days out from surgery. I chose Radical Prostatectomy, because after research, and consultation with a family member of the Medical profession, it was agreed that the "hands on" approach was better than the robotic, reason being, that open surgery provides a better view of the operating field, as it turned out, we acted just in time, as you can read down below.
Not everyone can do it, but my approach to situations, is to make plans beforehand for positive and negative situations, then you can act confidently following your list of decisions to make, whether plus or minus. (but then most ppl think that engineers are slightly off beam)
I wish you and your husband the very best, on your journey, remember modern medicine is going ahead in leaps and bounds daily, research, and pick a surgeon who you are confident in, and who is skilled in this surgery,....and stay on this forum...it's great!!
Regards Mal.