I got my test result back right before Thanksgiving. I meant to post it before we went away for the holiday and have been busy since I got back. Sure is a good feeling. I hope someday to feel more like my old self again.
The injections work and are really not difficult to administer like I thought they would be, but it ain't like it was before surgery when I didn't have to think about it, plan it, or wonder how long it would last. I am using a tiny dose (.02) ml which makes it more "normal" cuz it goes down in a reasonable time. Who the heck has time for a 2 hour hard on? With such a low dose, the nurse said it was safe to do every day...hmmm, now there's a thought to ponder :)
Incontinence is very minimal. However I still feel I need a pad. I wonder if any guys experience this...after I go to the bathroom, it seems that getting those last drops out is difficult. And heck, today if you stand at a public urinal shaking it too long , someone's bound to call the cops! But seriously, it seems that's my worst time of incontinence. I finish and zip up and then there comes that drip. That's why I feel I still need the pad. And the very occassional stress incontinence drip too.
Good luck to everyone here. Will take time to catch up on other posts soon!