I am almost 95% back to normal.
Still have to wear a pad - go through 1 a day from simple accidents like coughing
or - hah - farting. But can improve on this, since I rarely do my kegel excersises.
Very little pain in my abdomen and if there is, it is from the "drain tube" area.
And best of all...had sex last night with my girlfriend. With the help of Cialis 10 mgs, I
was able to perform at 60%. Very relieved, but still kind of weird, since nothing
comes out, but still have orgasm feelings. Guess the alternative is worse. But, that
is life.
All in all, as I look back on the last couple of months since my diagnosis, it has been quite
an experience - from finding out about
my cancer to finally getting out of the hospital. I have
a renewed faith in life and respect for the medical community. Along those lines, I would
like to help all of you that have gone through what I experienced. If you have any questions
or concerns, I would welcome you to write to me...anything from tests to the actual surgery,
I will give you info on exactly what I went through - so that you can face this "test" with all
the facts and without fear.
All the best!!!