Chayna (Doting), Thanks for your kind words - sometimes I feel I am a bit of an intruder the way I forget that this disease is not "mine" to own. Anyway my aim next year is to teach hubby email and computer - that's a certainty. He is the one that really should be here - at least more often than myself maybe? Thanks again everyone for your advice - Glad to hear Doting, that your dad is good, little one is good, and life is good for you in general!
Feeling better today. I suppose in time, one gets use to seeing these tests in perspective. I have had this above conversation before (twice!) with Swim (another forum member), so I guess sometimes reassurance is all that is needed again (for us, over and over again it seems!!).
Once we have discussed this last PSA result with the medical officer on Monday, I think we will be able to celebrate, as I am sure part of my problem (not husbands) is that the doctor is new (and I have not met her), reporting formats are not written (referral history) correctly (of that I am absolutely sure, but it could be easily corrected), and I am a nurse (as well as a wife), so all this "bugs" me when I just want everyone to do it perfectly, and then we would not have to ask... anyway enough...
To end with some good news. Recent return of full pre-surgery potency without medication (at exactly 18 months) - slow and sporadic until then, with oral medications (not injections) from 4 months (his choice). Lots of disapointments in the 18 months. Wonderered about it often, but then quite suddenly at 18 months - No more disappointments in future. Confidence has returned etc. Ceased medications without problems so far (2 weeks only).
Dale (livingadream) - I always love your kindness, and posts, and thank you for your prayers - good luck with your ministry of healing. 56, DSMC, sterd82 - thanks for your reassurance - of course you are right. Thanks for understanding our anxiety over nothing. TimG, Swim and TC (Tony)- hello (Veteran) good friends - I'm glad we have you to rely on. Bill (from down under) - if you get a modified citrus pectin supplier in Australia could you let us know by email? We also cannot find it anywhere - no local suppliers to time.
Thanks again to you all.
I guess that was all in all, the 18 month update - panic and all, et al! Blessings & thanks for your warm wishes. Lana
PS. Just edited to fix all my spelling mistakes!