Hello. My husband is 61. He had his first PSA test 1 year ago. It was 7.6, He went on antibiotic for 2 weeks, re-tested it was 6.9, then six months later 7.8, then this past September it was 11.0. My husband has a colostomy and severe scar tissue around his rectum and just inside, with severe nerve pain when touched, prodded down in that area. For this reason, the urologist was unable to do a DRE, and he also decided to wait and see the velocity of the psa before scheduling a biopsy under anesthesia. Well, after the 11.0 reading, a biopsy was set for November 14th. On Nov. 21 the nurse called home and spoke to my husband and said "no malignancy was found", and that was all she told him. Of course, we are thrilled at that news. My husband is very skittish about
even talking about
the subject, and after reading this forum for several weeks, I have a few questions. We never saw the doctor on the day of the biopsy (after it was done), so I don't know the findings of the DRE, or how many core biopsy was taken. I've been trying to contact her, or the doctor since last week, to get some answers as to why his PSA level would be high with no malignancy. They have not called me back - I've left 3 messages.
In reading this forum for approx. 6 weeks, I know that sometimes biopsies don't find PCa right off. I just don't want my husband to have received a false negative and I can't get any answers. Please help to direct me as to what I should do now, and some reasons why his PSA would be so high.
Thank you.
Happy but still worried Wife