Rolerbe said...
New to forum. 6wks post RRP, one nerve spared. What's the 'average' ED recovery curve. Most of messages I've read on the board indicate that this can continue to improve over a long period of time (e.g. up to 2 years or so)? If so, what a relief and ray of hope! I get some response with stimulation, some response with Viagra, but 1+1 does not yet = 2 (i.e. something 'usable'). So any info or discussion on typical improvement timelines would be welcome. Does bladder control during orgasm also improve?
Typically it can be up to two years before recovery of natural function -- maybe longer. It seems to be a gradual and somewhat "lumpy" recovery too. Some response to stimulation and Viagra at 6 weeks are good signs.
Don't overlook injections -- they can be effective, giving very natural erections in an unnatural kind of way!
I had only very minor leaks during orgasm at first, but that stage seems to have passed. Try pulling a big Kegel at the moment of orgasm -- that worked for me.