Well yes that is a normal side effect of LHRH drugs and it will be with you as long as you take it, atleast in my 2 yrs. experience doing ADT/LHRH and from what is said in books and by most patients using such. You might be able to counter this with another Rx drug, maybe. People whom hate doing LHRH can do other drugs that have different or little side effects and get similar or even better responses, sometimes.
The hot flashes for me were just the start, it was the sweats that accompanied it, like I was working in a sauna, it would come and go a few times a day and at night. We can sympathized with women now as to menopause and their hot flashes. Although LHRH and ADT1-3 drugs can work well especially for perhaps a number of years, the side effects long term can also be these: bone density (loss) could even lead to bone fractures or issues, memory loss is another one that can happen with such, fatigue is common and so is weight gain (for men in the stomach would be the norma I would say). So, we as patients do not love the side effects and articles are written about such.
Myself I think the drugs are useful but very expensive (overpriced-marketing), the side effects are plenty. There is also question about longer useage of this perhaps adding to PCa becoming more viralent, although this can happen with PCa anyway, study from John Hopkins recently mentioned such, not something patients want to hear. Some docs will have their patients on LHRH for life (how ever long that could be), maybe you could do intermittent at some time, considering your psa level is very low and stabilized. I think as patients you should analyze and look at everything, new drugs too, learn all you can, their are many drugs most of us have not even heard of that are in the arsenal on PCa and can be effective for most patients, always the question is for how long (not always known), you can even drop a drug and revisit it later sometimes...and in some cases for patients it works again for them.
I will post in the near future a list of drugs that are used to battle PCa from all different fronts, then patients can look into studying up on what it is, what is does, is it useful you might be able to consider in your case or with your onco-doc.