Dear Best Friend:
I have heard of both of those therapies but know of no suggested use for PCa. However, depending on your friend's stats, there are many good alternatives for treatment of PCa that yield excellent results.
Also, I can see no reason that your doc is holding up on giving your friend his results. In fact, I personally find that bordering on cruel and, pardon my French, but a load of crap to ask him to wait for further tests to provide the results that a patient deserves to know. If I was him I would DEMAND to know the specifics of his results immediately including a full explanation of all of the pathology. This is a disease where the patient needs to take charge and that's what I suggest. The more you know about the disease and your particular situation, the better prepared you are to figure out what to do. And, any physician that treated me like a child would not be my doctor for long...